Prince William Saves
Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Take Action
Take the Prince William Saves pledge
Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works. Complete the Pledge and America Saves will send you short email and text reminders, resources and tips to keep you on track towards your savings goal. Become part of an entire community of savers. Get started now!
creative ways to fund your savings
Those with a savings plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Taking the America Saves Pledge is a pledge to yourself to start a savings journey and America Saves is here to encourage you along the way. Take the first step toward creating a better financial future. Make a plan, set a goal, and pledge to yourself to start saving, today.

Congrats on completing the pledge!
Prince William County Saves Week! Feb 22-26, 2021
The Prince William Board of County Supervisors together with Virginia Cooperative Extension - Prince William
The Financial Empowerment Center and local savings institutions encourage you to GROW YOUR SAVINGS!
Join Initiative together with PWC Employees Credit Union, Burke & Herbert Bank and United Bank
Think Like A Saver!
Saving for a rainy day, vacation, paying down debt? You are invited to join us as we dedicate ONE WEEK to #ThinkLikeASaver.
Take the Pledge, set your goal, receive ideas, apps, and tools to help you reach your savings goals.
Building Wealth Starts with setting goals
Learn new easy saving strategies.
We offer financial seminars and financial coaching!
Seminars, Coaching and Networking opportunities
Financial Coaching or Counseling - Contact Us!
Financial Coaching available day or evenings for person-to-person or over-the-phone appointments. Virginia Cooperative Extension, contact us at 703-792-6287 or Let us know you want to set up your personalized savings plan with one of our HUD-certified financial counselors.
There is never a fee for financial counseling services at Virginia Cooperative Extension Prince William. We are a HUD-certified agency.
About Us!
The Financial Empowerment Center at Prince William offers research-based seminars to strengthen your personal financial management skills.
- Increase your Credit Score
- Improve your financial stability
- Prepare for homeownership
- Get Ready for Retirement!
Improve your Financial Picture & Net Worth
Financial Coaching Available Daytime or Evenings by Appointment
Email or call 703-792-6287 and request your no-cost, financial counseling appointment. Remember, you can see us as often as you like, there is no fee for follow-up appointments.
Financial Empowerment Center Services supported by:
Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, AFCPE;
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education & Counseling
Prince William County Office of Housing and Community Development
United Way of the National Capital Area
Financial Seminars and Upcoming Events
Finding Your Extra Money; Understanding and Improving Credit Score; Smart Money Management, Getting Ready for Taxes, Savings Strategies & more
For more information or to register for upcoming seminars,
Contact Us
Prince William Saves
Campaign Coordinator
Joanne Bilotta
Financial Education Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: (703) 792-5891
Campaign Co-Coordinator
Margie Leon
Take the Prince William Saves Pledge
It’s easy to become a Saver and it’s FREE! Simply: Set a Goal, Make a Plan, Take Action
Take the Prince William Saves pledge
Make a pledge to yourself and create a simple savings plan that works. Complete the Pledge and America Saves will send you short email and text reminders, resources and tips to keep you on track towards your savings goal. Become part of an entire community of savers. Get started now!
creative ways to fund your savings
Those with a savings plan are twice as likely to save successfully. Taking the America Saves Pledge is a pledge to yourself to start a savings journey and America Saves is here to encourage you along the way. Take the first step toward creating a better financial future. Make a plan, set a goal, and pledge to yourself to start saving, today.