Saving is a Family Affair

Whatever your family unit looks like, everyone must work together if you want to make saving a priority. In most circumstances, we build our financial foundation from experiences that we go through as children and youth. In a financially stable household, everyone has a role to play.

For tips and tools on how everyone in your family can contribute to your household’s financial wellbeing, we encourage you to share the following articles, social media content, graphics and resources with your constituents, partners and the general public.

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Social Media Posts

Want to start introducing good money habits to your children at a young age? Save with them! Have a piggy bank for each family member, adding to them at the end of each week. Get more #FamilyAffair Savings Tips at @AmericaSaves.

While many teens know they should save, most aren’t taught how. By giving them a clear plan of saving 10% of all money earned, they will learn good savings habits that will follow them throughout life. #FinancialLiteracy @AmericaSaves

Creating a list of free or low cost activities for your family to work through ensures a memorable summer vacation while keeping your savings and financial goals in check. Visit for inspiration of your own #SummerSavingsBucketList

A lesson all kids can learn early: the pride that comes with #saving for something they want! Encouraging your child to sell toys they no longer play with, or even having a bake sale or lemonade stand puts them on the path to smart #money habits. Tip from @AmericaSaves

Family can be great accountability partners when it comes to saving! Make a savings goal, and choose a reward to celebrate once you accomplish it. Create a fun tracker so everyone can see your progress! Get more tips at @AmericaSaves or visiting


From America Saves:


Blog Content

For use in communications that directly reach your constituents. We encourage you to use this content as guest posts or rewrite America Saves content as your own. 

Four Easy Ways to Make Saving a Family Affair

America Saves

Everyone in your household can play a role in the financial success of your home. Here are four easy ways to make saving a priority for everyone under your roof.

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Saving as a Family

By Elizabeth Kiss, Ph.D., Kansas Saves

Sometimes when children hear their parents or other adults in their lives talking about cutting spending or saving money, they assume that the family is going through a rough patch. As appropriate based on children’s ages, family conversations about money goals, including saving and spending plans, reassure children. It is also a great way to introduce (or remind) children about the reasons we save.

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Six fun ways to save as a family

By Janet Alvarez,

Meeting financial goals as a family can be challenging. But inspiring your family to help and contribute to a financial goal doesn’t have to be a painful process, especially when the result is an exciting vacation, a car, or college savings. In the spirit of America Saves Week, I’ll share some ideas on how to save as a family for all those items and bucket-list experiences.

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